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Vitamine D - Sun for the body

The summer is coming to an end, the sun is embarking on its winter journey. What does this mean for our skin and its vitamin D formation? In winter, the production of vitamin D through the skin can be limited due to lower sun exposure (UV factor less than 3). Vitamin D is primarily produced through the action of UV-B rays...

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Female hair loss? PRP helps!

Hair loss affects not only men but also women. While it is often considered a male issue, many women also suffer from hair loss. The loss of hair can be particularly distressing for women, as full and healthy hair is often seen as a symbol of femininity and attractiveness. Causes: Female hair loss can have various causes...

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Stool analysis

Stool examinations are essential for intestinal diagnostics and gut rehabilitation. To ensure that stool samples are submitted correctly, the practice has provided the instructional videos in German and English once again.  

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AHA Rule for the Corona Virus

The coronavirus is still dominating the media and our everyday lives. Caution is definitely advised, but there is no need to be afraid. Although there is still no vaccination or known cure for the virus, it can still be prevented and treated. First and foremost, of course, you should avoid infection. You can do this by...

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A poem by Dr. Riedel about climate protection

As a physician and specialist in medicinal plants, the well-being of people, future generations, and climate protection are close to my heart. Climate warming not only destroys our environment and, consequently, our precious plants and herbs from which healing medicine can be derived. The effects are also noticeably affecting the health of people: circulatory disorders, sleep disturbances, increased asthma conditions...

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Who protects you from the Corona Virus?

Who protects you from the coronavirus? Only a healthy and resilient immune system can protect you from the coronavirus. We are happy to advise you at the number 043 268 33 68 or in our medical practice. Do you want to know more? The coronavirus is a novel virus. It was discovered in China at the end of 2019. An exceptional cluster of...

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Burnout - Part 2 - Sleep and Hormones

Dr. med. Ingrid Riedel, Ärztin für Allgemeinmedizin und Naturheilverfahren mit Arztpraxis in Zürich, spricht zum Thema „Burnout“. Im zweiten Teil geht es speziell um Schlaf und Hormone.

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Burnout - Part 1 - Nutrition and Exercise

Dr. med. Ingrid Riedel, Ärztin für Allgemeinmedizin und Naturheilverfahren mit Arztpraxis in Zürich, spricht zum Thema „Burnout“. Im ersten Teil geht es speziell um Bewegung und Ernährung.