Haarausfall betrifft nicht nur Männer, sondern auch Frauen. Während es oft als männliches Problem betrachtet wird, leiden auch viele Frauen unter Haarausfall. Der Verlust von Haaren kann für Frauen besonders belastend sein, da volles und gesundes Haar oft als Symbol für Weiblichkeit und Attraktivität betrachtet wird.
Causes: Female hair loss can have various causes, including hormonal changes,genetic predisposition, stress,, nutritional issues, parasites, side effects of medications, and certain diseases. Hormonal changes, especially during menopause, can lead to a decrease in hormones that affect hair growth. An overactive or underactive thyroid can also cause hair loss.
What to do? When women experience hair loss, it is important to identify the underlying cause to find the right treatment. Through blood tests or measurements using electroacupuncture according to Voll, we can investigate the root cause and address any deficiencies. To accelerate hair growth and make the hair denser and stronger, it is also advisable to undergo PRP therapy.
What is PRP? The "platelet-rich plasma" (PRP) therapy is a form of regenerative medicine that harnesses these abilities and can enhance the natural growth factors your body uses to heal tissues.
PRP treatment increases hair density and thus counteracts hair loss. The basis of the treatment is the body's own blood concentrate, consisting of platelet-rich plasma containing therapeutically valuable stem cells. This highly effective autologous blood therapy stimulates hair growth, provides essential nutrients to the hair roots, and promotes cell renewal and regeneration. It is uncomplicated, performed on an outpatient basis, and, due to the body's natural PRP component, comes with minimal undesired risks.
Our clinicprovides you with everything from diagnosis to therapy and PRP treatment. We are happy to advise you over the phone as well: 0041 43 268 33 68.