How the annoying abdominal pain / bloating / irritable bowels / leaky gut syndromes occur...
Toxins circulating in the blood and neutralized by the liver burden the intestines heavily.
The liver also eliminates toxins through the fat-splitting bile, which enters the intestine during the digestion process and mixes with the food pulp.
If the food pulp then moves too slowly through the intestine due to a deficit of fluids, because it lacks water, "poison and bile" accumulate more and more.
Dadurch werden die Darmzotten verstopft, deren Aufgabe es ist die Nährstoffe zu resorbieren.
Die Giftstoffe reizen und entzünden nicht nur die Dickdarmwand, sondern werden im weiteren auch im Blut resorbiert.
Important nutrients are no longer absorbed, leading to chronic intestinal problems and diseases as a consequence.
As a further consequence, the so-called leaky gut syndrome, or "leaky gut," occurs.
This occurs very frequently in patients suffering from chronic diseases such as rheumatism, allergies, and metabolic disorders.