The coronavirus still dominates the media and our everyday lives. Caution is definitely warranted, but there is no need to be afraid. Although there is still no vaccine or known cure for the virus, it is still preventable and treatable.
First of all, an infection should of course be prevented by following the AHA rule: Abstan (distance), Hygiene (hygiene), and Alltagsmaske (everyday mask). This way, external factors can be somewhat controlled. However, efforts should also be made from within. A strong immune system is the most important factor against any kind of infection.
If one has become infected, it is important to act immediately. First and foremost, contact with others must be strictly avoided – quarantine. To initiate a as uncomplicated and speedy recovery process as possible, there are several things that can be done. With high-dose vitamin C infusions, thymus activation, and strengthening of the intestinal flora, you help the body better fight the virus.
Our clinic is equipped with the necessary supplements, infusions, and protective measures, as well as a dedicated examination room for COVID patients. However, a telephone appointment and consultation are mandatory. We are here for you: 0041 43 268 33 68.