Bioresonance Therapy

This procedure works on an ultra-fine level. The bioresonance therapy using the BICOM device represents a pioneering development. This type of therapy is based on an innovation founded by Dr. Franz Morell. The Mora therapy, known since 1977, utilizes patient-specific vibrations. 
Dieses System wurde von Prof. Dr. C. Smith an der Developed further at Salford University in England. Professor Smith, in 12 years of research in collaboration with doctors from London, discovered this every person possesses a specific spectrum of vibrations that can be therapeutically exploited. 
Chemical processes in the body are controlled by electromagnetic vibrations. Many diseases start with faulty, disharmonious vibrations that lead to mismanagement of chemical processes.

Long known are the heart currents, which are recorded with the electrocardiogram (EKG), as well as the brain waves, which are recorded with the electroencephalogram (EEG) . In addition to these clearly measurable vibration patterns, which vary greatly from person to person, there are also many rhythms in the body, with each organ also having its own specific electromagnetic vibration spectrum. This can only be recorded with great effort. 
If there is already damage to the organism's environment (due to, for examplepoor nutrition, stress, or exposure to pollutants, etc.), the body becomes unbalanced. 

He is then simply no longer able to resist the existing viruses and bacteria. Pollutants (viruses, bacteria and their spectrum of toxins, heavy metals and other environmental toxins) emit harmful vibrations. 

So they not only act materially in the body but above all energetically, i.e., through their specific vibrations (Prof. Dr. Smith) that they emit. Biochemical regulatory and control processes in the organism are subject to a superior energetic control. Metabolic processes, hormone release, growth, and regeneration processes are biochemically controlled and coordinated in this way. 

If these subtle control processes are too heavily influencedby pollutant-induced interference vibrations, malfunctions and therefore dysfunctions occur, resulting in illness. It was Dr. F. Morell.Morell's idea to eliminate or at least weaken this these interference vibrations to such an extent that the diseased organism is no longer hindered in its constant regeneration effort. This eases the work of the immune system and greatly accelerates the healing process. 

The patient's own resonance 

The BICOM device records vibrations via cables, similar to recordings of EKG or brainwave curves. Various electrodes are suitable for this purpose, such as: hand and foot electrodes as well as roller electrodes or flexible electrodes. 

In the device, a biological filter separates healthy from pathological vibrations. The healthy vibrations are amplified or weakened and returned, while the pathological ones are electronically reversed and redirected. 
The counter-vibrations produced in this way influence the pathological vibrations in the body and ideally eliminate them. 

This corrects malfunctions. 

The Therapy 

The settings of the device are adjusted by your practitioner. You may not always feel anything during the treatment. However, you might experience a slight sensation of warmth, tingling, or pulling, especially in those areas of your body that are not in order.

Old foci (old, unhealed inflammations), teeth, or scars may be identified. 
It is therefore important this you communicate your observations to the therapist or his assistant immediately during or after the therapy, or note any symptoms occurring at home with the time and report them at the next treatment session (e.g., runny nose or diarrhea may occur). 

Without harmful side effects. 

With this form of therapy, pain, inflammation, and allergies can be treated with a good chance of success, sometimes even surprisingly quickly. 
With this form of therapy, pain, inflammation, and allergies can be treated with a good chance of success, sometimes even surprisingly quickly. 
One goal of bioresonance therapy is to give the body the right stimulus to help itself, or in other words, to activate the body's own regulatory forces. 
In terms of its mechanism of action, there are connections with acupuncture and homeopathy. Like these, harmful side effects have not been reported. 

Treatment with the BICOM device 

During treatment with the BICOM device, no electricity is applied to your body. The electrodes in your hand serve only as antennas. Only your own vibrations from specific substances can be additionally utilized to test or neutralize the interference signals in your body. 
During treatment with the BICOM device, no electricity is applied to your body. The electrodes in your hand serve only as antennas. Only your own vibrations from specific substances can be additionally utilized to test or neutralize the interference signals in your body. 

Am schnellsten gelingt dies über die Nieren, welche die wichtigsten Filterorgane im Körper darstellen. Ausserdem ist eine gute Ausscheidung über den Darm wichtig. Sie sollten gleich nach der Behandlung reichlich „aufnahmebereites“, d. h. mineralstoffarmes Wasser trinken, das die durch die Therapie in grosser Anzahl gelösten Schlacken leicht aufnehmen kann. 

You should also drink at least 2 liters of pure water daily on the following days. Additionally, frequent showering is recommended to remove toxins released through the skin. 

Toxin-free through targeted therapy 

If your body contains a lot of old toxins, this Ihnen die plötzliche Ausscheidung solcher Gifte Beschwerden verursacht. Dies nennt man „Erstverschlimmerung“. 
However, this is a sign that your body is reacting intensively. Drinking water, or - if your circulation allows it - also visiting a sauna or taking a hot bath, can quickly alleviate such symptoms. 

Under no circumstances should you consume alcohol for several hours after the treatment, apart from tiny amounts contained in natural remedies (if you are taking such preparations). 
Since all illnesses are accompanied by a disruption in signal processing in the body, bioresonance therapy can be successfully used for many diseases. 

The treatment with the BICOM device mayneed to be repeated several times on a case-by-case basis. The individual sessions may also consist of two or more individual steps. This depends on your health condition. 

However, therapy with this device does not replace your participation in the healing process. 
You should positively change your lifestyle.

For further explanations, I am available to you before or during a treatment.